Grimshaw Graphics - Branding and Website Design, Kelowna BC

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Launching a new site? Make sure people know you exist.

Launching a new website can open up so many new possibilities for your business ...but you need to make sure people know it exists!⁠

Before launching your website it is so important to have some sort of strategy in place to start driving traffic to your site, especially if you are a new business.

Focus on 1-2 things that you can do consistently well. I know, this sounds like more work, but these things take time and effort. Once you start gaining more traffic, you'll be building brand awareness and getting quality visitors that can be converted into paying customers (yay!).⁠ ⁠

Here are my top five tips to driving more organic traffic to your website:

  1. Blogging - trying launching your website with a few blogs and continue to write one per week. People think blogging is a thing of the past but I am here to tell you that it works! We might not be in the early 2000’s anymore but blogging is still very much alive and will help bring visitors to your site.

  2. Social Media - focus on one platform that suits your audience best, and that works for you.

  3. SEO (search engine optimization) - get your website designer to implement basic SEO and teach you how to keep it up. If you’re DIY’ing your website, view my blog post here on how to make sure you’re setting yourself up for success with your SEO. Or possibly hire an SEO expert to continue working through things on your site that will help boost your search engine presence.

  4. Email Marketing - growing an email list can feel daunting but this is one of the top ways that businesses make sales. It is so worth the time and effort.

  5. Pinterest - spend one day per month scheduling posts for Pinterest. I schedule about one post a day and have seen a 40% increase in traffic to my site in the last two months. Pinterest works just like a search engine so the more you’re posting the more you’ll be seen.

If you're getting ready to launch a new site soon, remember to focus on few of these organic techniques to start driving traffic to your site without running any paid ad campaigns. Or try pairing these tactics up with paid advertising if that is available to you!⁠ .⁠